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Marketing Tips

Meta’s AI Training Controversy and Instagram’s New Ad Format: What You Need to Know
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Meta’s AI Training Controversy and Instagram’s New Ad Format: What You Need to Know In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, two recent developments have sparked significant conversation: Meta’s controversial use of user data for AI training and Instagram’s testing of new video ads designed to halt endless scrolling. Meta’s AI Training Practices Meta (formerly…

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The AI Revolution: Shaping Your Social Media Feeds and Redefining Engagement
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As we scroll through our feeds, we’re not just navigating through posts from friends and pages we follow; we’re traversing a landscape meticulously curated by algorithms, increasingly powered by artificial intelligence (AI). This AI influence is not just a side note; it’s reshaping how content is served to us and, consequently, how we engage with it.

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Grab some popcorn and watch the meltdown … Twitter/X news and updates for October 2023
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Sometimes it’s fun to watch a dumpster fire. Sometimes it isn’t. But it’s always important to learn from it, especially how it may impact your small business’ marketing strategies. let’s see what ol’ Elon is up to this month at Twitter/X … Twitter/X Faces Trademark Infringement Lawsuit Twitter/X finds itself entangled in a legal battle…

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Recent Changes and Developments with Facebook/Meta, October 2023
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Let’s do a little scrub-a-dub of the latest news surrounding Facebook/Meta that may be relevant to your small business social media strategies … Declining Referral Traffic on Facebook Our first story, reported by Social Media Today, highlights the ongoing decline in referral traffic from Facebook. According to a recent report, the platform’s referral traffic has…

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Can ChatGPT Write a Halfway Decent Article?
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I’ll admit it, I was drawing a blank this month on what topic to write about. So after staring at a blank screen for a while and overworking my foggy brain I decided to ask the robots for help. And by “robot” I mean ChatGPT. And by “ChatGPT” I mean our future robot overlords that will eventually turn us all into plugged in humanoids like in the Matrix. Buuuut … in the meantime we can at least use them to help brainstorm stuff!

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What’s working on Instagram in April 2023
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Don’t call it a comeback, but … gasp … pictures may actually be returning from the dead on Instagram! Crazy right? The social media site that built its foundation on pretty pictures that soothed our souls and gave us the escape from our judgemental Facebook peers has finally realized that they’ve been screwing everything up…

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This Article May Save Your Life
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What if I told you that by the end of this article, I would give you the single most important piece of information for your small business? If nothing else, I’d say between the overly dramatic title of this article and that opening sentence, I at least have your attention, don’t I? And that, my friends, is what we’re talking about today … the branding of your business and how to convey it to your audience with a sense of URGENCY.

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Don’t Go to Jail!
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OK … you’re not going to be shivved in the yard by a rival gang, but “digital jail” is something you could easily end up in (or already have).  “Digital jail” is when our social media robot overlords decide your content has somehow violated one of their 6,523,222 unspoken regulations and you are summarily sentenced with little to no chance to argue your case.  Huzzah!

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